Naše preiskovanje državnih oglaševalskih pogodb, s katerimi je prejšnja oblast financirala strankarsko-povezana glasila, še vedno odmeva v tujini.

Tokrat smo pohvalo dobre prakse našli v pravkar izdanemu “Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption” Evropske komisije, kjer je na večih mestih omenjeno naše analiziranje tokov porabe javnega denarja.

Državljan D, a non-profit organisation, specialising in media monitoring, started its investigations of money flows from state-owned companies and public bodies in 2018. Since then, the organisation has used ERAR to monitor public money flows to specific news outlets and investigated in detail a number of advertising campaigns, questioning value-for-money and standards set for such campaigns. This has resulted in several articles by the organisation and the media. The director of Državljan D received an honorary mention by the jury of the 2021 Watchdog award, organised by the Slovene Journalist Association. In 2022 an investigation committee was formed in the National Assembly that will investigate the financing of specific media outlets.

Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption, 50:2023

Direktor zavoda Državljan D, Domen Savič, je omembo pozdravil. “Izredno pomembno se mi zdi opozoriti na dejstvo, da gre pri našemu delovanju in preiskovanju zgoraj omenjenih fenomenov za popolnoma neodvisno delovanje, ki ga financiramo sami, s pomočjo donacij in projektov zavoda,” poudarja Savič in dodaja, “da bi se morali resno začeti pogovarjati o modelih financiranja dejanskih nevladnih organizacij v Sloveniji.”

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