Avstrijski AlgorithmWatch v svojem poročilu Automating society 2020 spet opaža naše delo na področju preizpraševanje družbe nadzora in omenja naše preiskovalno delo na temo biometričnih tehnologij v slovenski policiji.
Domen Savič from the NGO Državljan D makes a similar point. “The NGO sector is mostly funded by the government or international EU grants,” Savič said. If there are no tenders on information society, NGO cannot afford to cover this field. Furthermore, the media and politicians rarely understand how technology impacts human rights. “When AlgorithmWatch revealed that Slovenian police was using face recognition software to profile its own citizens and some Slovenian media investigated the story, there was not a single voice of protest raised in the parliament.”
AlgorithmWatch, 2020
Če se vam zdi to pomembno, nas podprite. Zavod Državljan D se ne financira z državnim denarjem, temveč se zanaša tudi na donacije. Kako podpreti naše delovanje, si preberite tukaj!